Daniel Williams|Oct 29, 2023
This is great news of Mary's progress and that she's at TIRR! God is at work. Continued prayers from D&M and the work crew.
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Jeff Black|Oct 27, 2023
Prayers for recovery and gratitude for progress.
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MARIE MCCOY|Oct 26, 2023
Sweet Mary, we are praying for you and your family. You are so strong. Just one day at a time. I ran across your comforting mini Cinnamon Roll appetizer recipe the other day. Wishing you warm comfort too.
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Michelle Copeland|Oct 26, 2023
Mary we continually praying for your healing and for your precious family! We love you! Michelle Copeland
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Leslie Merritt|Oct 26, 2023
Mary! The Merritt family is praying for your complete physical and emotional healing. You have always been such a positive, caring person! I still remember the times we taught VBS together. When I read that you still have your sweet sense of humor in this challenging season, I thought, of course she does! The Lord has you in his palm, now and always! That Isaiah verse says it all. You WILL prosper and be strong!
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Susan Long|Oct 23, 2023
Praying for Mary and Alex. May God of all compassion and mercy hold all the Lamar family especially close.
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Beth Obenchain|Oct 20, 2023
Praying continuously for you Mary - so thankful for this update 💗💗 how we love you, such a privilege to join in the chorus of prayer for you sweet friend !!!
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Tucean Franks|Oct 20, 2023
Sounds like things are moving in the right direction for you Mary. We are all thankful for the care you are being given❤️
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Lizette Balius|Oct 20, 2023
That is a wonderful update. Mary, you are amazing! They haven’t seen anything yet! In our thoughts and prayers and cheering you on from Cajun Country! You Geaux girl!
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Peggy Bell|Oct 20, 2023
Grateful for this new report ad the super attitude it reveals. Grateful for the tie that binds hearts in love, that prompts sweet friends to visit and urges many others to pray and reach out in other ways. Mary! You are not forgotten!
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