Dave B|Dec 28, 2022
For those not on FB, here is Adeline's update fro earlier today 12/28:

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the delay over Christmas weekend, but as you can imagine, we have been busy! Dave, Taylor, and myself spent most of the weekend with her opening gifts, laughing, and decorating her room with Christmas lights and trees.

Thank you first and foremost for all the visitors we had this weekend, it really brightened Mom's holiday! Also, thank you so much to everyone who has donated to this GoFundMe. You have been a Godsend - I really don't have words for how wonderful it has been to see the genuine outpouring of love people have for my mom. It's amazing to know that she has such a great village behind her.

As for an update - mom still has minimal movement in her arms and legs, but we are still seeing improvement day by day. For example, last week, she could barely move her left arm beyond a little back and forth at the elbow. As of Monday, she was able to lift that arm up and over her head!! Granted, I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but her PT, OT, and Neurologist say that she is making remarkable progress.

Mentally, we all know my mom is a strong woman so she is keeping positive, but sitting in a bed all day is starting to get immensely boring. When Dave and I sit with her, we are doing our best to help her with her phone to make calls and respond to all of your messages so if you have something you would like to say to mom, feel free to message her! Just please be patient as we respond to you all. She is also open to visitors if anyone would like to come see her. While I think Dave and I are excellent company, I can imagine she appreciates some new faces every once in awhile.

Next steps are to continue her Physical Therapy at an Acute Therapy Center. This is different from the original route we were following in sending her to a Transitional Care facility. An Acute Therapy Center is more like a hospital - she may end up at the U of M for example - and will provide more specialized and focused care than even a TCU could provide. As to when that will happen, it's still up in the air as we need to wait for an open bed/room. We will keep you updated when we know where she will be!
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Sue Gove|Dec 27, 2022
Tuk and I are keeping you in our best thoughts. Hope your recovery will be successful.
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Dave B|Dec 23, 2022
Hey All - here's the latest MJ update..
(This is the same post from Dave's FB page.)

Yesterday they did a spinal tap to to check protien levels to determine if Guillain-Barre was a possibility. We got the results back last night. Her protein levels were very high indicating Guillain-Barre syndrome. She was moved to a Neuro floor where people are more familiar in caring for those with 'GBS'. They started treatments shortly after the diagnosis. Treatments run for 4 days and are to help speed up the recovery. So... she will NOT be going to the Specialized Nursing Facility/ Transition Care today as we had hoped. She is not going anywhere for at least another week except to the new room at Fairview Southdale ....

We were dealing with 2 significant issues. The spinal fusion was necessary - it was imminent (think months vs years). However, the weakness in all limbs did not improve. Dealing with the cervical degeneration component helped to unmask why her limbs were still not responding, leading to the Guillain-Barre diagnosis.

Not what we were hoping for, but happy to have some answers and understanding as to what the 'full picture' was. We understand the recovery process will take time and we know why.

To our prayer warriors: Thank You !!! Keep it up!!! They are much needed and much appreciated!!!

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Kellie McD|Dec 23, 2022
Sending lots of love and.prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Hang in there MaryJane! You are a strong woman and it will soon be behind you
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Adeline Mielke|Dec 21, 2022
Hey everyone, in case you haven't seen, we have a Gofund.me where we are posting updates now as we are unable to get into this Caring Bridge to post. Here's today's update: https://gofund.me/b5b8210d
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Robert Lundquist|Dec 19, 2022
Keeping you in prayer - you're going to pull through
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Megan Cosgrove|Dec 18, 2022
I have know doubt that you will get stronger every day! Your to stubborn not too!
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Ann Holum|Dec 17, 2022
MaryJane — When I first met you, you had such a spunky & resilient spirit! I hope you can call on that tenacity and energy throughout every day of your healing process. ❤️‍🩹❤️ — I am sending lots of love to you — Ann Holum
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Dave B|Dec 17, 2022
Hey All, this is Dave. It's been a surreal experience up to this point, but we are making our way forward. Here is today's update on Mary Jane .This one has a lot of detail:
Not much pain from the surgery today but still following the prescribed dosages as the work her off of them.

Vitals are good and bodily functions are returning.

Strength will be the next hurdle.
There is still some numbness in the arms, hands, legs and feet. She has some movement with her hands and arms, but can't raise arms above her chest. The right arm/hand is weaker than the left.

She is working on sitting up with help. Not quite there yet.

Both legs are weak. She still cannot stand. Sounds like there will be transitional care in her future.

Today's focus is 'nap whenever you can and do an ankle/glute/thigh exercise from bed once you wake up. She's going to bed now.

In the background there have been many 'rock stars'. The brightest among them has been Adeline. Thank you ! Thank you! Thank You!!

Prayers for Mary Jane's healing and regaining of full strength requested.
Love you guys!
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Joyce Blenkush|Dec 17, 2022
Just heard about your surgery. So sorry. Glad everything went well. Take care of yourself and do what they tell you. Adeline let me know when she can talk. Many prayers and hugs ❤️💕
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