Lisa Sandberg|Apr 21, 2024
I admire you so much Mark and think you are amazing. You have such a way with words and I love to read what you post. You are totally justified to whine whenever you want, as none of us can comprehend what you are going through and feeling. You are admirable in how you are handling this situation. Love you guys!
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Bob Bost|Apr 19, 2024
Hi Mark and Lisa. I believe whining is absolutely acceptable in most situations unless you're whining about getting a Mercedes for Christmas when you wanted a BMW. In that situation, it's perfectly acceptable to take away said persons trust fund. In all fairness to both of you, I do not know what it's like to be in your shoes. I am witnessing from afar and can only imagine what it's like. But I can tell you that whining, aka complaining is a normal human thing that we all do. God knows there's plenty of problems in the world to complain about. I imagine you are both good sounding boards for each other. And then you have the belief that you can take it to the Lord in prayer. I'd say you're in pretty darn good hands. Love, uncle Bob
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