deb sherer|Mar 28, 2019
I am praying often for Nancy and the family, and for other friends recently passed or surrounded by disease and my heart breaks and rejoices for the friendships of your family and so many others I met through Okontoe. Last weekend, I went to a Funeral and then drove 4 hours to a Wedding of a friend of ours out hereat a campI wish I could be with you on the 30th, I will sing songs I learned through worship in the “A” frame, and will keep you each close to my heart in prayer that day. I am so grateful for the 4 years I spent on the Gunflint, worshipping with you whether in the chapel, on a log, or at discipleship through those years. One highlight to share, was how great it was to be able to come over from AC’s to Worship on Sunday, while our staff when to town for church, because I could get back to AC and have Sunday Dinner ready for staff when they came back to camp after church. That was the beginning of so many memories I find coming back this week. God will hold you in His Hand and close to His Heart as you Celebrate Mark’s Life together.
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Mark Hassel|Mar 22, 2019
When I was going through difficult times Mark and Nancy graciously opened their doors and allowed me to stay with them. I learned so much, splitting wood, hauling water, taking care of dogs, and my first baby sitting responsibilities. So many fond memories.
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