Tammy Fried|Jun 21, 2018 (edited)
No, not a mistake, but a "law" as it turns out. Anything received post death from social security must be returned as they've frozen the account for 30 days because he did not have time to make an estate Will designating an executor and the POA does not as he thought designate myself and our son but only tells a costly estate claims court judge that is who he would like for them to appoint, but to go to court costs more than what is otherwise going to be left in the account so will just have to wait out the 30 days. But with the account frozen even my own disability has to be returned to social security and I have no access to it. So just waiting for social security to receive it back from the bank at which point they will then reprocess it over a period of about ten to fourteen days before it is returned to me. My dad helped me the day after the account was frozen and we learned about all of this by selling one of his guns to get enough money for me to be able to open a new account for social security to direct deposit it into once all is said and done.
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