Carlene Seghers|Feb 9, 2020
I am so very thankful with you all! Will be praying through recovery. May God continue to encourage you, give you strength in recovery, and use this to glorify Him! You are a blessing, continue to be blessed!
Dave Siu|Feb 9, 2020
Praise God. So happy for you and family. God is so gracious.
Linda Lindie|Feb 8, 2020
Praise the Lord 😊Xx
Carmen Tomaszewski|Feb 8, 2020
Marie and Jonathan (and Tim and Luann),

We are rejoicing with you in this great news! So thankful for God's healing touch on you. We will continue to pray that there would be no return of the cancer, and that a year from now Marie will be totally cancer-free. God is indeed good!
Krista Hastings|Feb 8, 2020
My kids are asking me, "Mommy why do you have so many tears?" I said, "Caleb and Hannah and Baby Sarah get to have their mommy!" And then we all hugged and danced. Weeping deeply with joy with you my friends. So so deeply grateful.
JoAnn DeVolder|Feb 8, 2020
What good news!!! Yes, God is faithful...….
Lynette Holm|Feb 8, 2020
Praising the Lord with you!! Hallelujah!
Valarie Brandt|Feb 8, 2020
So happy for all you! Best news ever!
Sabrina Childers|Feb 8, 2020
Reading Hannah’s comments brought tears to my eyes. I had considered the realization that your children would have and how they would rejoice to know their mama would be well - they love her so much! Still rejoicing in the news and God’s faithfulness with you, friends. All our love! ❤️