Carrie Bennett|Mar 6, 2021
I am so grateful to have met Maria and to have worked with her. Maria was such a warm, interesting, generous person. She created a workspace that was very supportive and respectful of all staff, and she embodied a can-do attitude that set the tone for the rest of us. She possessed a winning combination of empathy and professionalism. Her big, open heart and her nimble, hard-working brain were in complete harmony. She was generous and caring -- interested in how people were doing and what was going on in their lives. She was quick to share her lunch, or some seedlings from her garden, or a hug. I appreciated her love of animals, including humans. I love seeing the pictures of her with her cats and in the garden. And I loved when she would describe the butterflies and all the other creatures she and Dan welcomed into their yard. I will miss her warmth, humor, generosity, beauty, thoughtfulness, support and unsinkable spirit. Thank you for so much. Love, Carrie
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Fred Renfroe|Mar 3, 2021
Dear Maria,
and I can call you that because, even though we saw each other seldom, thanks to my friendship with Dan you have been very present to me for so many years that you have become quite dear to me. You and Dan honored me by inviting me to your lovely wedding on the mountain - I still have the acorn on a yellow ribbon that he cast and made a gift of, to evoke pleasant recollections of that day. I recall a visit to your home in Richmond, too (maybe around a holiday?) - it's been awhile, and time has gotten hard to work with, but even if I can't quite recall what prompted my being there, I certainly recall what a warm and welcoming place you two had made your home, and how much I savored the intellect and wit that came through so clearly in conversation with you. Even the occasional sightings at Trevino's, despite their brevity, invariably reaffirmed the rich impression you made on me whenever we met. Obviously some of my relationship with you has been through Dan, that extraordinary man, who bears for you such an extraordinary love and who often shared things you said or did or thought with me. I admired how good a fit you two seemed to be, how kindred your spirits were, in your passion for the glories of the planet and the critters on it, with clear thinking, and - so much - with your commitment and labor to make the world physically, tangibly cleaner, healthier, smarter, better. The world needs more Marias and Dans.

Words are a poor tool for expressing how I feel about all you have both been through. I am grateful to you for the love and care you bestowed on the home we all share and for all that you have done to help it cope with the injuries we inflict on it. It is an honor to know you and to hold you dear. My debt to Dan is great for passing along to me so much of your wit and wisdom. Several of those formulations and perspectives have been folded into my own thinking and conversational repertoire - I treasure, and am grateful for, the Maria parts of me. The scope of your influence on someone who has had the privilege of your company only rarely prompts me to think of how profound that influence must be on others, to whom circumstance has granted more access to your fertile mind and bountiful spirit. I will continue to rely on Dan for glimpses of them.

There is a quote from Emerson that I first encountered when I was in high school, on a box of Sleepy Time tea. It has stuck with me as a useful way of staying oriented through my adulthood:

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

That sure sounds like you, Maria. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Love to you, dear friend,
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Anna Maria Giaconia|Mar 2, 2021
February 25, 2021

Dear Maria,

Thank you for the tremendous kindness that you have shown me. When we have all spent time together, you have always made sure to include me in the conversation and to actually listen. As a quiet person who’s often overlooked, I really appreciate that, and I know that it speaks to your kind, loving, and generous character.

I have also been extremely touched by your deep and longtime friendship with Carlo. It was obvious to me from the get-go how much he respects you, enjoys your company, and loves you. Thank you for your beautiful speech at our wedding reception!

Every time I see the paperwhites and the society garlic plants that you gave us, I smile and I think of you and your enduring contribution to this sweet Earth. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Much love,
Anna Maria
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Ellen Spitalnik|Mar 2, 2021
Apologies for mistakenly posting the note I wrote last week in gallery./ well wish : I will leave the note I wrote tonite and pics there

Dear Maria:

I write this with tears of gratitude and sadness, as I sit in my sunny and now, thanks in part to you , greener back yard, a peacock blue sky, gentle breeze blowing the sheltering trees, signs of spring popping as our beautiful
Earth rounds the seasons.

Time to say goodbye, Andrea Boccelli sings: his unearthly voice paying tribute to you. dan please play now.

Our tears flow, all of us who had the gift of getting time with you . Its time to say goodbye digitally- with inexpressible sadness, a digital hug, appreciation, admiration and respect for all you are, all you've contributed to our beautiful earth, all you've taught me and much much love.

I remember first meeting you as you took your new job in El cerrito. We were lucky to have you-- wow did you raise the professional level of El Cerritos team- like beyond exponentially.

I was impressed by your intelligence and professional chops. Not just intellectual intelligence and a remarkable work ethic, but emotional intelligence.

Not just How you
Managed to respond to a diversity of issues as you did the heavy lift on our climate plan, but how you managed to deal with such different interest groups- including folks like me who wanted way bigger / broader action and others like the city administration that were looking to do a bit, what they could given realities of budget and competing interests

I was impressed how you treated everyone with respect , keeping your integrity and responding with the benefit of an enormous knowledge base. I watched how you supervised others , worked with contractors and marveled at your equanimity.

Your devotion to the work , to our sweet earth was on display in so many ways- not just the climate plan and the recycling center.

I remember that first compost giveaway- you leading the charge. I felt proud to be a tiny part of your team. I also remember your incredible kindness then- offering up Dan to help me make a video for my moms 85 birthday party.

I was so happy that you got to go to Chernobyl ! I felt you deserved that and soooo much more. As I write this I think how amazing it was that a place of unimaginable devastation could, like this springtime of sadness and departure, come alive - decades after that tragedy - with beauty and life.

Ahhh that kind gesture led to our having a very special dinner party at my place with you guys , jim and my beloved Indonesian spices.

I treasure that nite and regret we didn't have more; alas my next decade of care for ailing mom derailed me from nurturing what I knew was a relationship with two wonderful souls.

I was wowed by your garden Maria. How you brought your environmental work to your home life, there's that integrity again. Soooo many plants and monarch butterflies have you to thank.

I will continue your effort... planting more natives and trees in my own garden and holding you in my heart.

While we didn't get near enough time together, I can't begin to express how you touched me and taught me.

Especially in this last year or two as I watched you deal with the cards you received in a clear eyed fashion, focusing on available options, doing what needed to
Be done and devoting the rest of your energy to the accessible good - an outing to john muir land trust , a good movie at home with Dan.

I don't recall drama, rage, complaining- I sure couldn't have imagined dealing with such grace. Especially amidst a once in a century pandemic.

I learned of your growing up in the Carmel Highlands, your love of good food and drink, how the beauty of your childhood sparked your work on behalf of our sweet earth. You shared great music and connected me with gardening advice. And modeled ways of living and loving that touched me deeply. I am
Grateful for getting to
Know you ever more deeply over these years - and to cook for you and Dan these past months when I couldn't see you.

I can't begin to
Imagine how many lives you've touched and bettered, Maria.

How many people will carry you in their heart, always.

Thank you and agnostic that I am,
God bless.

With great sadness let me say goodbye - for now. With hopes that we meet again.

May you be surrounded in love during this transition, may you experience peace and comfort.

may you know how deeply you will be missed and how you will
Be held in so many hearts that are comforted by memories of time with you.

Much love

To everyone on caring bridge

Version Of song embedded in above email was solo by Andrea bocelli -quieter and shorter.

I'd like to add,- in honor of Maria snd Dan's love and relationship over the yesrs-- these two versions sung by a man and woman- over time
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probyn gregory|Mar 2, 2021 (edited)
Mein Schatz Maria, my fellow environmental soldier
The time is fast approaching when the path diverges and you will be entering a new phase of being, regrettably not among us back here on Earth. Fear not-- we are still with you in spirit and will be all ways. I am proud to note that you and I have been pulling on the same end of the rope vis a vis the stewardship of this fragile ship for quite some time, and every ounce of it needed-- molto grazie. Life is about what you do with it, and your life has not been wasted. Just your partnership with Dan alone would be a shining star in the firmament of coolness and mutual support -- I will remember your wedding until I too peel off from this spinning orb. Thank you for all the things you have seen fit to grace us with in your time here, we are all grateful and lucky to have had you in our lives. Should you ever wish to converse in future via dreams, be my guest, I am open. With as much love as I can squeeze into these few words, I remain your Most Humble and Obedient Servant -- Probyn p.s. it is absolutely fitting that I recorded some parts on a friend's song today-- title: Butterflies. You have now taken over my mind space whenever I think of or see butterflies; it used to be Dan.
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Carlo Federiconi|Mar 2, 2021
My very dear friend Maria,

I weep as I write this, thinking of your premature departure from this wonderful mystery we call life, and for my loss of you, a wonderful caring and loving friend, in my life. At the same time I want to send you love and strength to face your transition with courage, curiosity, and a sense of preparedness in moving to your next phase in this great mysterious universe. I’m hoping that when my time comes, I’ll face it in the same way.

We came to be friends because of our mutual appreciation for our world and for life. Our mutual ambitions are to make the world a better place, to see and create beauty, to cultivate great relationships, to love and be loved.

You have excelled in all these ambitions and have inspired me and I’m sure many others to persevere on this path. You have a wonderful legacy to be proud of, and I will always remember your kindness and your understanding of life and planet.

Know that you are loved, by me and many others, that you have done so much to make the world a better place, that you have revealed the beauty in life through your art and gardens, that you have made deep and lasting friendships, that you have loved. These are the most important accomplishments in life.

I’m struggling to get more words out. There are many great memories that we both cherish, just can’t get them into words right now.

I miss you. I wish I could give you a big hug right now, and I’d be happy to come visit if you’d like.

Go forth with wisdom and love,

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Mary Lou Herlihy|Mar 2, 2021 (edited)
My husband Mark and I are neighbors of Dan and Maria. They were the first peeps we met in the hood that started to make it feel like a real community - that was nearly 20 years ago. The loss of Maria in our neighborhood will be felt DEEPLY.

As soon as I received Dan's email about Maria being in hospice, I responded. At Dan's request, I did not fuss or hesitate- I simply wrote what came to mind. I SO appreciate that urging Dan!

Dear Dan & Maria, I am sitting in the Boston airport, and feeling a deep well of sadness after reading your email.

When I think of you MARIA, I think beautiful, joyful, interested in everything, smart, talented, curious, ENGAGED, informed, helpful, natural teacher, easy friend. I am SO VERY GRATEFUL for the time we shared together, talking about nature, Parks, work projects, animals, trash, politics, art, music, books, and the hood. Your time may be short but you spent it well and wisely and all of us who have had the pleasure to share time with you are better for it. THANK YOU for being a GREAT advocate for all that’s good on this sweet little planet of ours and for being a passionate protector of our dear Mother Earth.

THANK YOU also for being a wonderful neighbor, a trusted friend, and a model citizen of the world. You always inspired me to be a better caretaker of all that is wild and you did so with such gentle, loving kindness. In this time of great sadness and transition, I am sending you and Dan SO MUCH GRATITUDE AND LOVE.

Please know Dan that we are here and we are ready to help in ANY WAY we can. Remember, I'm retired!!! OXOXOXOXOXOXO
Mary Lou & Mark
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Celeste Rodwell|Mar 1, 2021
Also remembering Maria riding her bike to and from work. Coming home on her bike with her helmut on, always stopping first to enjoy the front garden and greet the energetic neighborhood kids who called her "Mrs. Maria".
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Celeste Rodwell|Mar 1, 2021
I can't tell you how many times over the years Chris and I said to each other how fortunate we were to have Dan and Maria as next-door neighbors, for their kindness and decency. Good neighbors for the neighborhood kids. Maria accomplished so much in her homestead and for the City of El Cerrito. My memory is Maria completing her beautiful brickwork and her front yard garden. Maria had a plan and she followed through. Also, Dan and Maria visiting Wales. Good memories of our neighbor. Our condolences to Dan and the family.
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Laurenteen Brazil|Mar 1, 2021 (edited)
I am sorry to hear of Maria's passing. I worked with her. We had an interesting working relationship that included some twists, dips, and bumps along the way.

My fondest memory is her sharing about your butterfly hatching project. She actually invited me into your home and we went into the backyard to set one free. With my cell phone, I tried to capture the moment it flew away so that she could share it with you, Dan. I recall getting a good enough shot of it taking off to new adventures. She also offered me seeds to start a garden and we talked about our favorite NPR programs here and there. We talked about religion a few times given my Catholic background. I remember her asking me once, if I thought God had a plan for our lives. I remember answering yes, immediately with no hesitation or thought. Now that I think about it, she asked me this question long before she told me about her cancer diagnosis.

I thought it was sweet how she looked at you and how you would take her to lunch regularly or bring her lunch when she was busy.

She was very diligent and dedicated to her career and achieving her goals, working both Saturdays and Sundays.

I wanted her to beat cancer. It seemed that she would. She was on my mind all weekend. We were recently told that she was in hospice. I know I emailed this to you already, but I pray both her Mom and your Mom came to her to help her with her transition into the after life. I pray her transition was peaceful and painless.

We shared a love and appreciation for Mother Earth, her resources, and her beauty. We also loved cats.

I pray she is surrounded by unimaginable beauty and peace throughout her eternal journey...I am sorry life is so terribly short....

I pray you are comforted by the memories you shared together, Dan. I send you my condolences.
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