Clara A.|Mar 1, 2021
Thank you Claire and Dan. My thoughts are with you.

My Dearest Maria,

Closing my eyes and thinking of you to send you strength and good vibes during these past months, I would always see your beautiful smile, your warmth and “softness”.

You have been and will remain in my thoughts when hiking in a beautiful place I think you would like. This is the beauty and magic of memory and of touching people’s hearts - you have been and you will keep going to so many places because you are in our thoughts.
So I hope you will enjoy the hikes, places and memories I will take you to and until we see each other again, I am sending you a warm hug that never ends.

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ilona and sandy Miko Zipp|Mar 1, 2021
We want to send a huge wide hug to Dan. We want to thank Lee for her being with Dan in these last times. We want to express our condolences to them both. We know this weekend was so very hard. They brought Maria through. They are brave.
This is our letter to Maria from last week.

Dear Maria,
We are here in Providence, so far away, but thinking of you. We know you are at home and lovingly cared for right now.

I want to write you now. I want to thank you for your being, for your person. Having known Dan before you got together in SF, we saw him FILL with happiness when he re-connected with you (his college crush), and began to build a life with you. I remember your wedding and the acorn symbolism and I still think of you two when I see acorns. You have such a calmness to you, and that day you were also so very lovely.  This is a wonderfully special life you built together with Dan at the cat and bee and butterfly and sunflowers and roses and all the growing things ranch. What you built and helped grow in such a bounty is life-affirming and beautiful. You helped Dan see that cats are the best companion ever. You tethered Dan’s flapping flag, and then grew new flags together, along a huge tall flag pole. You bring light. I witnessed that, and I am grateful. We all want to see others loved.

I know you have worked very hard to improve this Earth while your feet have been on it. Finding where and how to do that was varied but you found many ways. That light bulb project! And the recycling facility (you gave us a tour!) and the big grants you won and managed. I have no doubt that this made a significant difference, and also set ways for others to continue. You made something clear our of chaos. The benefits will be felt going forward. Your anchoring energy is so very powerful.

There so much to do to take care of the Earth, we all do what we can. That’s enough. We inspire others, and that carries on. The impulse, the feeling of deep concern and long term commitment—I see that in you. I have it too, and it's ignited even more, recently. I know others do too. 

I have always been struck by your kindness and gentleness. You are beautiful in your manner and your way and your gentle voice. Even the soft curls of your hair. We love you and we think about you and hold you dear. We feel you in hearts and our breaths, all the way over here in Rhode Island. We see you. You are here and you will always be here.

Also, I promise to keep encouraging Dan to do meditation zooms. 

LOVE. And all the Love. And Joy. This is what gives life meaning, and you made it, in bounty. And you gave it. It remains here on this Earth with us all. Thank you dear Maria.
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Sarah Schlueter-Eisman|Feb 28, 2021
How can it be that we have not actually met someone we feel we know so well, and who is so aligned with our love for the natural world... Then we realize that we have met you, Maria, through the photos and loving words of your husband and partner in life, Dan, and his sister Claire, whom we consider a member of our family. They have always talked about what a champion you are for the environment, in both your personal and professional life. Thank you for making the world a better place for all of us. Whenever we're outdoors and a beautiful butterfly graces our presence, we will always think of you and Dan together. Wishing you peace and comfort.
Much love, Shelly, Sarah & Thomas
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Linda Polinski|Feb 26, 2021
This is Dan’s Cousin Linda in Pittsburgh. I just saw a flock of Canadian Geese fly over my rooftop, in beautiful formation. They made their distinctive vocalizations as they flew by, and I feel sure they were saying good evening to you, Maria, and to Dan.
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Kathleen Wayland|Feb 26, 2021
Dear Maria, Andy and I remember being welcomed to your home many years ago and marveling at the energy and excitement you shared about protecting our environment, building community, and appreciating and promoting the natural wonders of the world. And the whimsy and creativity of your home and garden. We loved seeing your deep commitment and kindness to each other. The spirit you shared with us that night stayed with us and always will. When you and I spoke briefly a few months ago I was struck by your humor and resilience in facing your long ordeal. We saw your wonderul spirit that night and will carry your spririt with us going forward. Thank you.
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Jesse Mosqueda|Feb 25, 2021
Hi Maria, even though we never met, Dan told me many wonderful things about you. Our thoughts are with you and Dan at this time.
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Vicky Funari|Feb 25, 2021
Claire, thanks for setting this up. I emailed Dan with a message for Maria already, so here I will just say: I love you, Maria, and I love you, Dan, and though my heart is breaking I am trying to be thankful for the time the two of you have had to live a life together. Maria, thanks for being my friend.
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Judy Clemmons|Feb 25, 2021
I am thinking of you Dan and Maria and sending love and peace.
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