Mary Robertson|Jul 25, 2018
Sorry about the fatigue. The hardest part for me with that is it’s invisible but very real and people sometimes don’t understand at all. I just let Meg know about you. Hang in there with exercise. Take care. Mary Anne
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Bernard Kreilkamp|Jul 25, 2018
Hey Maria, take it slow. My one big health "event" in my life was in 1992 when I got a tick disease hiking in Montana. It landed me in the hospital, almost killed me and took more than a year to recover. Fatigue. Really, three months after it I took two hours for what had been a 45 min walk, around a lake here. I went very slow, and two years later I still noticed the slow down from what I'd been. I do read these and I've tried to call but my "smart" phone often doesn't connect calls, so it just doesn't ring when I call. Pretty sure the failure is on my end. My landline (612.721.3569) doesn't have long distance but call whenever you like. love you
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