Roshelle Wright|Aug 2, 2019
So sorry to hear your loss. My heart is with you and your family.
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Lynette Wijnveldt|Aug 2, 2019
Emily, sending you my prayers. I will remember your Mom and your family during Mass tomorrow morning. So glad you were there holding her hand. Please know you are in my daily prayers. God be with you and yours!
Aloha ,
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Dana Mitchell|Aug 1, 2019
I am so sorry for your loss Emily. Your mom is peaceful now, and may God bless you with peace too. You were the Best daughter anyone could ask for. I send many prayers and much love to you and your family. Love you, Dana
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Sharon O|Aug 1, 2019
My heart is so sad to hear of Margo's passing but I am so thankful that you are her daughter and that she passed so peacefully and with you holding her hand. Margo has so many friends in Hawaii that will mourn her loss. I will let our classmates know. Sending hugs and prayers your way. With much love and aloha, Sharon O'Hara-Katres
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Cynthia Kinnier|Aug 1, 2019
Emily, I'm so sorry for your loss. Your love and care of your mom showed in your posts and pictures. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
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Rachel Smith|Aug 1, 2019
So much love to you and your family, Emily, during this next phase of the journey ❤️
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Sarah Wolfe|Aug 1, 2019
Emily, we are so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. You and your beautiful family are in our prayers and we’re holding your mom in the light. Love, the Hartmans
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Malcolm Andrews|Aug 1, 2019
Emily, We are all terribly saddened to learn of your mother’s passing. We love you all. Peace.
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John Wharton|Aug 1, 2019
Emily, Jay, Aubrey and Deacon,

Please accept our deepest sympathies and condolences. Your mother was a wonderful, loving woman who made the world a better place. Please know that you are all in our prayers and all our live is yours.

Amy, John, Joey and Andi.
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Abbie Bishop|Aug 1, 2019
Stunned. Very swift transition! My very deepest sympathy and understanding, having walked the Alheizmers path with my Mother my heart reaches out to you and your family. Prayers, peace, and an abundance of love.
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