Lynn Camino|Jul 8, 2021
I often think of you and Mike when I go on Caring Bridge for the other friends I follow. Mike's picture is there and I feel like we will both be hanging in there for the long haul for a deceased kidney. I did think of him when I had fistula issues because I recall that his wasn't smooth sailing. Fistula issues was one reason I held off for so long to do hemodialysis. I just didn't expect to have two major problems in week two of training! Well, it is what it is my husband always says. Gotta go with the flow which I know you two have learned to do. I hope with COVID settling down you will be able to make some friends in your new neighborhood. I had to chuckle when you said that recumbent trikes are all the rage in CO. They are slowly catching on here but all the riders either have back issues and/or are older in their years. LOL! Guess I'm both now.
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