John Trinh|Oct 18, 2017
You guys say the things that many feel but can say. There are few days since your loss I haven't thought of your family. Thank you for your courage and honesty. Those who feel deeply think deeply.
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Angela Chong|Oct 6, 2017
Remember that time you assigned a book for my reading and I found it so significant that the author noted God lost his son too? That blew my mind and brought me to tears straight away. Because even He has had to suffer like me. I’m not trying to make you “feel” better, that just resonated with me so much and it almost kinda gave me an understanding..... kinda started to make a little sense
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Wei Liew|Oct 6, 2017
😓😞🙏🏼 though I grieve with you two, my heart cannot feel all that you feel. I am still praying for you all.
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