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Jun 09-15

This Week

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It’s been awhile since we updated you but honestly there isn’t too much to add to the last entry.

Actually Luthor gets around now without a cane or walker when in the house but he does still look awkward as he moves about. Balance can be an issue but his minor falls have caused no damage. 

I am happy to say he has done the dinner dishes twice now. That was a victory for both of us. He has recently managed the construction of a 450 square foot training area for the young pigeons. It looks amazing!

So it seems that the nerves are healing and beginning to activate muscles that have been dormant. He has a bit more strength for lifting objects such as a gallon of milk or 2 heavy dinner plates.

The small motor control and strength in the hands seems to be the slowest to be restored. And his left foot is still floppy and weaker than the right. But “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 12:1. God never stops working so we believe healing is happening in Luthor’s body. It is a process and God is at work.

We still lead a weekly church life group with some sessions in person and some online. The interaction, bonding and support of our Christian friends has helped carry us during this season. Community has been a huge blessing.

We are looking forward to our first vacation since the illness to Branson MO the first of October. We had planned this late last winter and decided to go through with it since our friends have so kindly encouraged us to go and assist us as needed.  It will means helping out with the car rental, pushing a wheelchair at times etc. 
We could never plan a trip like this without them. Our hearts are full of thanks!

Well God is good through it all and holds us in His firm grip. He gives us hope and patient endurance as we walk this new road together. Marriage is often referred to as a dance so we are learning some new dance steps as we adjust to all that this illness has brought our way.
Because of God’s presence in our lives, we can continue to rejoice and be glad! 

May we all know His peace and presence as we journey along.

God bless,
Susie and Luthor

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