Carlos Rivera Velez|Feb 5, 2019
My dear Lourdes, just left you a message today in your phone message system. Wanted to know how you are doing and how Dalia is doing. We are all behind you with heart and soul!!!! I am in Salamanca, Spain with my son who started classes at the university today and you have been very present in our discussions since we arrived on Friday. I am leaving him behind tomorrow but it is his time now as we have all done in our own times. I am sure you are doing right as not only you are very strong and positive but you also know you have 1,000s of us behind you. As I mentioned to you in person couple of weeks ago, the support is just the harvest of what you have successfully planted. Will connect with you again in the next few days.
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Pablo Ortiz|Feb 5, 2019
Orando a diario por ti Lourdes. Confiamos en que sanaras pronto. DTB.
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