Anne Johnston Smith|Apr 24, 2018
I am so very sorry to hear of Lois' passing. We were not in the same homeopathy class but I did have the opportunity to speak with her sometimes at the MHA meetings and conventions. Oddly enough I actually got to know her best on Facebook - sharing comments with her on healing issues, family, society, the state of the world, etc. I always found her to be a very kind and caring person. When I first heard about her illness I thought she would soon be well but I guess her work on earth was completed and that it is time for her next journey. I will miss her and the knowledge she had to share. I send my love to her and to all her family.
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beth knudtsen-spears|Apr 23, 2018
Thanks for the times! We'll be there!!
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Renee Nord|Apr 23, 2018
I am so sorry for your loss, Mahin. I will always remember Lois as woman with a passion for healing and her understanding of Native American healing practices.
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