Linda LaVigne|Nov 12, 2022 (edited)
This is sad news. Thoughts and prayers for the family. LeRoy will be truly missed.
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Joani Pettow|Nov 12, 2022
So very sorry for your loss❤️ Prayers and Hugs to you and the whole family and dear friends 🙏
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Terry Weiss|Nov 12, 2022
Peace and acceptance for the family. He was a lucky man to have all your support. Prayers for you all!
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Di Anderson|Nov 12, 2022
What a gift to have been there with & for your dad❣️
Prayers for peace & strength in the days ahead.
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Sheryl Altepeter|Nov 12, 2022
Thoughts and prayers!! There are really no words, but know you have so many thinking of you.
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allen bertilrud|Nov 12, 2022
So sorry to hear of Leroy's passing. May you and family be surrounded by the love and comfort of family and friends. You are in my prayers
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shelley fredericks|Nov 12, 2022
So very sorry for your loss.Many prayers and thoughts for comfort as you go on this journey without Leroy!! Huge hugs.
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JoAnn Zutz|Nov 12, 2022
It was amazing how he persevered until he knew he could do no more. Your love for him upheld him and he knew that until the end with you both at his side.
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CraigEve Folkestad|Nov 12, 2022
So sorry
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darlene zutz|Nov 12, 2022
So sorry for your loss you all will be in my thoughts and prayers Hugs to Linda and you all !
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