Dianne and Steve Healy|Feb 1, 2020
Dear Laura, Mark, Dan, Josh and Family,
We were sorry to hear about your recent surgery, Laura. Miss being your neighbors! Thinking of you and sending love and hugs,
Steve and Dianne
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Morrie Hartman|Jan 26, 2020
Laura, we're saddened to learn about this latest bump in the road. We're glad to hear that you're home and resting. We send our love and prayers for a swift return to glowing good health. Don't forget that we have a theater night coming up in early March, and we look forward to being with you then, if not earlier.

Love, Morrie and Michael
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David Favero|Jan 26, 2020
Laura, I have known you my entire life. I love you so much. I am thinking of you now and the wonderful part of my life that you are: sailing, watching fireworks on the 4th of July, nutella on warm challah on Saturday mornings, so many Thanksgivings and Passovers, my first time eating Ethiopian food and halloumi cheese, bar and bot mitzvahs, little glass coke bottles, swimming and building sandcastles at lake Harriet, running on the creek, eating tacos or something else great on the porch, matzah ball soup, vegetarian gravy, little cookies that look like turkeys or acorns, birthday parties and weddings, my wedding cake (the cake toppers you painted are on display in our living room) — you are such a huge part of every aspect of my life. I love you and wish you the best of health.

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Katharine Gotham|Jan 25, 2020
Laura, I really miss seeing you, and am so sorry to hear about your continuing health struggles. Sending lots of good healing thoughts to you and your family!
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michael favero|Jan 24, 2020
Laura, I hope that you already know this but I need to say it anyway. Your family is a part of my family and you are like a sister to me. We have been friends for so long. I would do anything for you. If only there was something I could do. I pray that your recovery will be swift and complete.

Love Mike
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SteveandKaren Watson|Jan 24, 2020
Dear Laura, Mark, Dan and Josh and all the family, Very sorry to hear. about this new, tough challenge. We stand with you in solidarity and love and hold you in the Light, love,
Karen and Steve
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Mary Nudell|Jan 24, 2020 (edited)
This is such tough news. Hoping for healing and peace of mind.
Love you, Mary
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Jim and Andrea Rubenstein|Jan 23, 2020
Love, not live, but that, too.
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Jim and Andrea Rubenstein|Jan 23, 2020
Joshua, Thank you for keeping us informed. We live you Tanzes so very much.
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Shari Grunes|Jan 23, 2020
We love you.
Shari & Mitch
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