Julie Hooker|Nov 6, 2019
Laura, it was great to see you in WA. You look so good and healthy! You really have triumphed through this year of dealing with the cancer. Very proud to know you and admire your strength! You have a great team of supporters- coast to coast! Love you!
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Ashley Fuoss|Nov 6, 2019
I am in awe of how you have carried yourself through this journey (from what I see on social :). You are an inspiration!!
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emily bohmbach|Nov 6, 2019
You are amazing, Laura, thank you for being an inspiration!
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julie tambussi|Nov 6, 2019
what an amazing moment Shawn captured - way to get through this year with humor and strength!!!
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Tenley Hough|Nov 5, 2019
Your journey the past year has been very different than mine (NICU & raising a preemie), but I completely understand what you mean when you say it feels like it was just yesterday but also that it happened to a different person, and the next few weeks and months will be a flood of emotions and memories. It's amazing what a difference a year can make!
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Tom Humphreys|Nov 5, 2019
Laura, you continue to amaze and inspire. And it's so awesome how the Ravens have supported you in so many ways! One year ago was terrible news, but you have overcome and have risen to the top. Your future is bright! Love you so much!
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Phil Humphreys|Nov 5, 2019
If you look up “Laura Humphreys” in the dictionary, it’ll say...strong, courageous, determined, and amazing!!!! That’s my girl! So proud of how you handled all that was handed to you since last year. You are the poster woman for Breast Cancer. I love you, sweetie!!!
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Patricia Albert|Nov 5, 2019
I continue to be proud of you, dear niece. You are an inspiration and I'm so proud to be your (favorite) Aunt!! ❤❤❤
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Jerry Humphreys|Nov 5, 2019
You are my HERO.....Period the end!! LOVE YOU!!
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