Michael Cecil|Sep 9, 2019

You have handled this process so gracefully - truly your mother's daughter (a little bit of 'Maverick' in there too!).
I am not able to be at the Sept 13 service/reception, but have asked Anya Kumara to share a Mary Oliver poem on my behalf, if that fits in.

My blessings to you both,

Michael Cecil.
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Claire McGuire|Sep 8, 2019
Sorry that I will not be with Jim on Friday. I want to share the memory of the Blizzard of ‘78, surprisingly a wonderful memory. On Elmhurst Road, we came together as neighbors, sharing resources (we were the only household with powdered milk) and even meting out tasks should Wanda go into labor before help had arrived. As I remember it, Jim and I spent essentially every day with Gil and Laura. Gil arrived first to our back door on cross-country skis. But soon we were all eating Laura’s carefully marked frozen foods, playing bridge on Laura’s home-made duplicate boards, and marveling at the wonders of nature - clean air and brilliant sun against the whiteness of the snow. Laura was the most insistent that we pause and appreciate the wonderland. She was always the best at adoring her surroundings. Love to all.
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Steven Shankman|Sep 8, 2019
We're so sorry not to be able to attend the service for Laura. Trinity is a beautiful church and I'm sure the Celtic service will be lovely. I will be sure that Brent Was and Helen Reed at Episcopal Church of the Resurrection know about it. Love to you and your family,
Marsha and Steven
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Cynthia Scherr|Sep 7, 2019
My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. I am so sorry I will be out of town during the service for Laura. She was a "church friend" and I will miss her cheerful greetings on Sunday mornings and her presence at Taize, among many other gatherings. I feel blessed that I knew her, saw her sparkly eyes and heard her swoon at beautiful music. She will stay in my heart.
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Julie Turchin|Sep 6, 2019
Very sorry I won't be able to make it up for the funeral. I'm sending my dad with my thoughts and best wishes. Laura was very dear to me while I was growing up and she was always so kind. One memory I wanted to share with you--when I got married I decided I didn't want to do the traditional bouquet toss. Instead, I wanted to give my bouquet to the couple at the wedding that had been married the longest. As it turns out that was Laura and Gil. Well, I could not have given my bouquet to a more grateful recipient. She must have thanked me 100 times, and carefully dried the flowers at home. But that is how I remember Laura--she found meaning in even the small things which allowed her to live a very rich life filled with love for those she cared about.

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Elizabeth Fitting|Sep 5, 2019
The Celtic service will be a wonderful way to celebrate and honor Laura. Unfortunately I will be out of town on a long-planned trip. My thought are with you and your family.
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Lauren Michaels|Sep 5, 2019
A Celtic Tribute to Laura Avery -- how perfect, and how generous for both of you to help in arranging this. Her Spirit will certainly be with us! See you there.
Lauren Michaels
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Marsha King-Rosine|Sep 4, 2019
I will be with you all in spirit at Laura's memorial. Sorry to not be able to be there, but will be out of town. So happy to be with Laura at her birthday. Blessings on you all.
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Wendy Wysong-Leighton|Sep 4, 2019
Prayers of support to you and Brian as you navigate, feel, and express through this very emotional time.
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Priscilla Wright|Sep 4, 2019
I’m disappointed not to be able to attend Laura’s memorial service. We will be out of town for most of the month of September. I’m sure it will be a beautiful service and I look forward to hearing about it from mutual friends. What a woman she was!
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