Karen Hudson|Aug 26, 2019
I was heartbroken to read this entry. We will definitely be there for the service.
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Chris Urzendowski|Aug 26, 2019
Larry was beloved by so many of us in the Pentair family. He was the most jubilant man, always had a big smile and loving life. You couldn’t help but to have fun around Larry. He was the life of the party and one of the most kindest good hearted persons we’ve known in our lifetime. He attended all three of our children’s weddings in Omaha. That’s how much we loved Larry and how generous he was with his time. You will be missed dearly Larry. May God bless your soul and no doubt he has great plans for you in his home. Our deepest sympathy goes out to you Sandi, his children and entire family. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Jim and Chris Urzendowski
Ryan, Ashley and Angie
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