Barb Locken|Jul 29, 2018
So sorry to hear of this setback. Prayers as you ungo another surgery. Infections are tough to heal. Eugene knows what you are going through. He is still fighting the infectioninhis knee. Glad your Drs. Kept on top of it. Praying for success this upcoming week. Keep fighting you can beat this, Attitude makes a big difference in healing.

Barb Locken.
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Kylie Nissen|Jul 29, 2018
Prayers that surgery works this time so treatment can continue!
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Lisa Nordtvedt|Jul 29, 2018
Keep strong Kristi you are strong and can fight this. Hopefully will get up to see you again this week.

In the new Sanford??
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Judy Rusten|Jul 29, 2018
Kris, I am praying for you and hoping that the surgery on Friday will be successful. Keep fighting and you will make it.
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Teri Huso|Jul 29, 2018
I am keeping you in my prayers Kris. You are one tough cookie.
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