Shelly Loeffler|Aug 22, 2018
I’m so glad you are home and adjusting! Praying for you everyday!
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Heidi Johnson|Aug 22, 2018
You have been, and will remain in my prayers, Kim! I'm so glad to hear that things sound so good so far! Take good care and keep the faith!
~Heidi Johnson
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Annie-Claude Toll|Aug 22, 2018
Kim, what a beautiful summary of this day!
I am so happy you got to see your daughter packing as she moves to Bethel. I am so glad to hear of the preliminary results showing no cancer cells!! Praying with you that all will be clear and that no chemo will be needed.
I am also glad that the pain is manageable and that you can enjoy a little bit of this beautiful day!
My heart rejoices with you!
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Peter Collins|Aug 22, 2018
So good to hear sis! I pray whenever God brings you to mind which is often! I thank God for the skills of the doctors and the blessing of pain meds. May the Holy Spirit provide you peace and strength as you continue this journey.

Love always, Pete
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Jennifer Evers|Aug 22, 2018
You have been in my thoughts and prayers, Kim. I am so glad you are on the road to healing through restful recovery.
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Sara Hein|Aug 22, 2018
Continued prayers for recovery and healing!
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