Angela Hunt|Aug 31, 2023
Keep up the positivity, Kim!! Progress however it may come is a sign of your growth and strength. You’re a tough cookie and I know you will not stop until you are fully rewarded with 100% hearing. Xoxo
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Alison Rosch|Aug 31, 2023
Way to stay determined Kim! Your journey is remarkable …I’m learning so much from your posts - thank you for sharing both the set-backs and the progress.
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Judy Scanlon|Aug 31, 2023
Kim, You are absolutely amazing! What a journey this has been! And how wonderful it is to have gotten this far toward your goal of hearing equally well in both ears. You will be so proud of yourself and so happy you have this CI when your hearing is fully restored - and it will happen! Just know there are a lot of people following you on this journey and we are all pulling for you! Jim and I are sending love, Judy
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Jennifer Ward|Aug 31, 2023
Happy to see progress and though you are not where you want to be or where you will be eventually, you have made progress...and that is AMAZING!! And hey, you got the word"Gin" right, maybe a G&T for you? LOL Hang in there lady.
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Sarah Shannon|Aug 31, 2023
You continue to inspire Kim!
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Margaret Davis|Aug 31, 2023
Glad for this update and for forward progress. You are amazing! You are doing very hard things, very well! We love you and continue praying for that progressive journey to full recovery!
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Kitty Donnan|Aug 31, 2023
Wow! You are amazing to keep at it—and so happy that you had some positives! Especially happy that you heard “every word of a sentence”🌟 Prayers continue as you continue on this journey. I think of you constantly ❤️
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Patti Reed|Aug 31, 2023
Great hearing you are progressing! You share your journey so beautifully. Prayers continue for you and your family.
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Kathy Allaire|Aug 31, 2023
Wow! What an arduous journey. But what tremendous progress you’ve made! Sending prayers for bilateral hearing!
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Denise Horton|Aug 31, 2023
So happy that you’re seeing some real progress. I’m sure managing the CI’s “attachment issues” will make a huge difference. I’m continuing to pray that you will reach full hearing!!
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