Thomas O|Mar 12, 2019
Hi Kim,
Glad that things seem to be going well! Looking forward to seeing you this Thursday.
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Susan Jaeger|Mar 3, 2019
Wow! You walked an hour! I'm impressed! (But I hope you didn't try to do the same thing the next day.) Looking forward to seeing you, Kim, but please don't "push the river." Take the time you need to heal. In the long run, it will be much better for you. Love to you!
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Judith Simmons|Mar 2, 2019
Oh, Kim, getting back into the swim of things is asking a lot! Walking a mile to your mom's house - I can picture that walk - I think it would be more than a mile.
Some parts of going back to work will be a lift - but be sure to baby yourself whenever you can.
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Alan Ramo|Mar 2, 2019
Yay. So glad you're on the way. Take it day by day. The body is miraculous in its ability to heal.

My hair is so long, everyone thinks I truly lost it in retirement. Can't wait till you come back and figure out what to do with it. I'll take a 10 minute haircut.
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Richard Leinheuser|Mar 2, 2019
Thank you so much for the progress report. Your ordeal made me recall a major injury followed by a long recovery I went through. Determination and attitude go a long way, and I know you have lots. Onward, upward, return to normalcy! Rick
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