Ray Huse|Mar 20, 2018
I like that you're taking time to put all this down. As your journey continues, I have a feeling you'll be amazed by how far you have grown.

One thing I suggest that you try to get out of your head is that you "can't be the husband or father you should be." What you can provide to your family is not tied solely to your physical ability. You can teach. You can be supportive. You can be an example of strength through your struggle. I'm thinking that you know this. But even seeing that you typed that phrase above gives those words a little power. Don't let them in.

I'll bet your big step 30 days ago was the first of many to come. With the help and support you've got with you, I know we're going to see you beat this as much as anyone can.

Still with you. 100%.
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