Theresa Boucher|Oct 4, 2020
Brynn and I wish you well!
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Denise Cote|Sep 3, 2020
Kendra, so sorry you had this setback but I have no doubt you'll kick cancer's ass again. I'll be watching for news. Stay strong, kiddo!
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Kerri Boulmetis|Aug 28, 2020
Kendra- I think about you often. Sorry to hear about this set back. Just remember to "keep f***ing going" sending you so much love and strength
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Lori Oliver|Aug 28, 2020
Kendra, Thank you for sharing this I know how hard this is. I am thinking of you. You are a fighter and you will kick butt.
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Peter Crosby|Aug 27, 2020
Thank you for your update. My thoughts are of you Kendra for good outcomes on September 10. So glad School is still happening and just around the corner. A welcomed focus it seems.
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Maureen Drummey|Aug 27, 2020
I am sorry to hear this Kendra. I too am glad that you were persistent. Being your own advocate is so important. But... I can see a smile under that mask.
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Scarlett Ferraro|Aug 27, 2020
Keep your chin up and fight the best fight you can. You are so loved and you can do this! You are strong and brave. Go Kendra!!!!!
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