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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Hello to all,

I would like to give an update to the things I have recently learned.  I do have my final staging and my action plan going forward.  There were some changes to what I had originally thought.  😕 

I have Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  After pathology was completed from my mastectomy surgery, I did end up having a microscopic amount of cancer in my first sentinel lymph node.  Therefore it is officially stage 2, even though the size is very small.  I do not know at this point if they will end up removing additional lymph nodes or actually doing radiation once I've completed chemo, or just leave them alone and let the chemo do the work assuming it's enough. But for now, I pray that I will be able to keep them and that chemo is enough. Of course because this is a very aggressive type of cancer, I will do what they feel is the most effective course of action. 

As with any aggressive form of cancer, my prognosis is slightly less amazing than I thought.  However I have known many cancer survivors with much more difficult staging and circumstances that live wonderfully happy, healthy, active lifestyles.  All this to say that I still have a very positive attitude and focus on kicking this stupid thing's A--!!  God willing, I will be living a happy, healthy, active lifestyle real soon!!! Well reasonably soon. 😏 

I will start chemo the third week in June, after returning from Jacob's AF Grad ceremony.  That's when it's gonna hit the fan.  It will be a very aggressive treatment and probably when I'll need the most help. I'll be doing the first round for 8 weeks, once every other week for 4 sessions.  Then after a couple weeks of rest, I will start another round for 12 weeks, once a week.  It will be a bit of a long road, and will knock me down for a minute.  But I have every intention on getting right back up getting to it!

Some of this information has been difficult to hear and process through, and it sets me back for a minute or two each time...for sure.  But somehow it comes to this every time. While this is a very difficult trial, and many, many of us are faced with these trials everyday, some more than others, I know deep in my heart that there is purpose in them.  I know that God will not take me through a trial that he will not deliver me from, and that through this He will bring me out stronger and better than I ever hoped to be.  And I also know this is true for many of you, whatever it may be.  We are strong, we are courageous, and we will survive these bumps in the road, big or small.  Day by day.  I continue to turn my face to The Lord to help me through, and it helps me to know that I am not alone.  

Again, I want to say thank you to all for the wonderful notes, messages, phone calls, and visits, rides to the Dr, going to the Dr with me, meals, taking me for a quick bite and overall continuing to be a light in my slightly dimmed life.  I appreciate you more than you know.😇 

Best to all,

Kelly😘 🙏 

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