Tammy Tufty|Dec 12, 2019
Sending you all lots of love and prayers from Charlotte! Thank you for the updates. We are constantly thinking of you all.
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Amy Martin|Dec 12, 2019
Thank you for all the info and updates about Kaylee’s condition. You all have been in my thoughts constantly and i cant even begin to imagine what it is like for you all going through this nightmare! Please let us know if there is anything that we can to do help. You have a whole community here for you, so don’t hesitate to ask for help in your time of need! Stay strong and keep fighting Kaylee! 🙏❤️
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Martha Chaney|Dec 12, 2019
❤️❤️❤️ Keep fighting, Kaylee! Stay strong, Family! God is so good, always. ❤️❤️❤️
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Dianne Stanley|Dec 12, 2019
Kaylee we are praying for you, you are a strong woman and can fight this. You are a Stanley so we know you are a fighter. God's got this. It's a long road, but God's got you by the hand leading you all the Way. We love you
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Amber Sawyers|Dec 12, 2019
I love hearing the good news baby girl. Keep on fighting Kaylee. I love you 💕 Jurnei has said a prayer for every single day since your accident by the way. Hearing the concern in a five year olds voice for you chokes me up. We are praying hard
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Melissa Richards|Dec 12, 2019
Keep fighting, Kaylee! I continue to pray that God surround you with his angels of protection and strength.
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Lisa Manning|Dec 12, 2019
Continued prayers for this sweetie.🙏🏻
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Daisy Hernandez|Dec 12, 2019
God is so good! So thankful that she continues to do well! Love you all!
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Stanley Fain|Dec 12, 2019
Continued Prayers!
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Norma Myers|Dec 12, 2019
We're thankful for this positive report!

You all are in our thoughts and prayers daily!

One day at a time!
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