Jennifer Elmhorst|Mar 26, 2019
Bob and Kathy: Little did I know many months ago that following your posts and recovery process was going to prepare me for my own "battle". I just want to say how thankful I am that I was able to learn so much from your situation. My older brother (59 years old) caught the
"H flu" which is really a bacteria, not a virus or a flu. It caused a nasty respiratory infection which landed him in Meriter Hospital in Madison in ICU and in an induced coma. On a ventilator. It looked so grim at that time. I thought of you guys so much. The situations seemed pretty parallel. Because of your posts I knew if he made it we were in for a long road to recovery. Praise to God that we got him off the tube and out of ICU after about 3 weeks. We opted not to do the tracheotomy ( doctors seemed annoyed with that decision but it was not right for him in my opinion) . He did catch pneumonia twice while in ICU though. He is now at a long term care facility and is doing much better. He is still in need of high flow oxygen but hopefully we can get him weaned off of that, get this strength built up and get him back home. He is so homesick and misses his cat. I have spent almost everyday with him during this 5 week battle living out of my car and bags along with fast food drive thrus and on the road a lot but I can see that it's IMPERATIVE to have a advocate at your side to make sure things are done according to your loved ones wishes and sometimes things just done right instead of wrong. I've learned there are some folks who should find a new line of work and there are some really great nurses and doctors who are passionate about what they do. Kathy....I'm sure you already know how lucky you were to have family at your side each day and that really makes a huge difference in your care. Doctors had little hope for my brother based on charts, numbers, patient history, etc. but they did not KNOW my brother and how strong of a person he is. That's what I had to make them realize so they didn't just see him as patient in room # 408 but rather a funny, kind, warm hearted, stubborn guy who still has a lot of life to live! You have been so strong and brave and your family support is nothing short of amazing. Your battle made my battle a bit easier. I wasn't totally blindsided by what was going on. I kind of knew what was going to happen step by step since I was following your recovery. Everyday with loved ones is a gift to be cherished and every battle well worth it to keep them around as long as possible. Continued success and God's blessings to you and your family. XXOO
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Judy Olson|Mar 25, 2019
Kathy and Bob, thank you to you and your family, for taking the time to update us with Kathy's progress throughout these past months. I would say that Kathy is the most determined and strongest person that I have ever EVER known! The prayers from everywhere, and the support and love from your family reminded Kathy that she was never alone. Matthew and I were proud to be two of her biggest cheerleaders! And Bob, you never gave up, either. You two have such love for each other. Kathy, continue looking at your next goal one step at a time. You are a true warrior and the perfect example to everyone, to keep moving forward no matter what! Sending you and your family, love and hugs! God's Peace....
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Sandie Smick-Balduzzi|Mar 25, 2019
We are so happy that you continue to get better Kathy! Your determination and hard work is amazing! Looking forward to seeing you at one of the Lumber ladies get togethers!
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Laurie K|Mar 25, 2019
Great news, Kathy! Prayers and love to you and Bob.
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Sandy Schmitz|Mar 25, 2019
I read this last post with once again, tears of joy on my cheeks. Kathy, your courage, strength, faith and love of your friends and family are what got you through - AGAIN - YOU'RE SIMPLY AN AMAZING WOMAN!!! Bob, the love, devotion, courage, patience, strength and faith along with the love of friends and family were with you every step of this journey and will stay with you still in the weeks & months ahead. You've rewrote what it means when the vows stated, "in sickness and in health", you've shown us all by example what that truly means. I kind of think of it as an honor to say, "yep, that's my relation! Aren't they GREAT!!!!" Know that our love, thoughts and prayers are staying with you both. God's guiding hand and loving arms will continue to hold you up and help you along this road to recovery. And I know you're both thrilled to see that the "bumps in the road" are no longer sink holes or pot holes, maybe just a speed bump here and there. LOL. God's speed to you all. SUPER BIG HUGS, MUCH LOVE and hopefully, a muffin or two are coming your way. ;)
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Debra Berg|Mar 25, 2019
Glad to hear that you are improving! Prayers and time will help you heal. Love & prayers Debra Berg
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Sharon Garbisch|Mar 24, 2019
Kathy and Bob

Your journey through the halls of health care and your road to recovery have been nothing short of amazing. Your continued positive attitude, your power of prayer and your commitment to each other are examples for others on how remarkable those qualities really are how effective they can be. I admire you both for your strength and courage and faith to continue and thank you for sharing your journey. I can tell you from first hand experience you/we would not have survived were it not for the love and support and prayers from an army of angels here on earth known as family and friends (and great health care workers!) What blessings we have been given. Hope to see you again soon someday on the Yellow Brick Road of Life and who knows maybe we can sip a good beverage in toast to our good health. HUGS to you all.

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kathy herbel|Mar 24, 2019
Kathy & Bob,
We are so happy to hear the good news. We will continue our prays for you and
that you continue your road to full recovery. Hopefully we will see you soon. Keep up the good work!
Don & Kathy
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