John Hazle|Jan 1, 2019
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Karl was such a great person. Consummate professional. Affable colleague. Friend. I had many lunch with Karl while he was at MDACC. We always enjoyed chatting about the days events. He will be missed. John
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Naresh Tolani|Dec 31, 2018
My condolences Charlotte. Karl touched so many of us in so many positive ways. The medical physics community lost a wonderful human being, teacher, leader and physicist. He always had an open door and an open heart, and you grew to love him and appreciate him, the more you allowed youself to embrace him. I will miss him very much as will many others. My condolences during this very difficult time.
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Hao Zhang|Dec 31, 2018
My condolences. Karl was a great person, touching so many lives, including mine. Rest in peace!
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J. Francisco Aguirre|Dec 31, 2018
As I celebrate his life I am also mourning his early departure. Charlotte, my condolences.
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Charles Bloch|Dec 31, 2018
So sorry Charlotte. He was a wonderful person.
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Stevilyn Ortiz|Dec 31, 2018
Charlotte - this is Paul Ortiz. I want to let you know that I am truly saddened by Karl's passing and equally saddened for your loss and that of your family. I feel fortunate to have been part of his life and only have fond memories of Karl and also of you. Without question, he made a positive impact not only on me, but on so many others whose lives he touched. He was a true gentlemen, colleague and friend. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Sincerely, Paul
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Susan Richardson|Dec 31, 2018
Deepest sympathies. Karl will be missed profoundly- especially within the medical physics community. He was so lucky to have you caring for him and preserving his memory for all.
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Yildirim Mutaf|Dec 31, 2018
Dear Charlotte, our condolences to you and your family... Asli and I are deeply saddened by this news but feel lucky to be touched in our lives by his kindness and good heart. May he rest in peace.
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Sue Ockels|Dec 31, 2018 (edited)
Charlotte, I am so sorry. I pray for peace for you and your family. Words can’t express my sadness. Thinking of you and sending hugs.❤️
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Wendy Woodward|Dec 31, 2018
Dear Charlotte,

My deepest condolences to you and your family. I recall you both so fondly as a part of my training. Karl was an extraordinarily gifted teacher and what I learned from him will stay with me throughout my career. I know so many of the people who were touched by his talents are mourning with you today.

All my best,
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