Nancy Keane|Jul 25, 2019
I'm so happy to hear that at long last you are done with chemo! Also happy to hear that you and Pam were able to spend some quality time in nature and disconnect for a week.
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Kim Ryan|Jul 23, 2019
I'm glad that you're through this battle and healing vibes and thoughts for the doctor visit. So...what's my excuse for not knowing why I walked into a room? Just CRS? LOL.
Very glad this part is done and now it's time for you and Pam to have healing time. BTW, hair is just an grows back, but it can grow back another small adventure.
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Mary Rapp|Jul 23, 2019
So happy to hear you are done with chemo and that you have had time and nature!
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Ann Morris and Vada Woods|Jul 23, 2019
Karen, this is wonderful news! Things will just keep getting better and better from here. As for your head, one thing that I wanted to do but did not manage was to have my head covered with a henna design. Whatever it is you come up with to cover your head, I definitely want to see it! All best wishes to you, and we both continue to send healing energy your way.
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Linda Rio Reichmann|Jul 22, 2019
That is the best news! Thank you for brightening my day, and everyone who knows you. Sending light and hope as you move to a hopefully better stage of this journey. 💜. We all will keep walking with you in spirit.
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Eileen Wiviott|Jul 22, 2019
Sharing this prayer that a friend shared with me today:
I am the light.
The light is within me.
The light flows through me.
The light surrounds me.
The light protects me.
I am the light.

Sending love and light and the breath of life to you.
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