Lorry Massa|Nov 27, 2018
Congratulations Karen! You have been an inspiration to many as you’ve navigated your difficult journey. All the best going forward!
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jennifer kohnen|Nov 17, 2018
Congrats Karen on reaching such a significant milestone. Thank you for your endless support during my own cancer journey.
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Allison Berg|Nov 14, 2018
Cheers to you Karen!
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Bonnie Brueshoff|Nov 13, 2018
So happy to read your great news and thank you for sharing your words of inspiration! Praying your good health continues!
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Lisa Carr|Nov 13, 2018
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Becky Holst|Nov 13, 2018
Karen, you don't know me really. I have worked out of Duluth in Gillette's foundation for 15 years. So, I've received many work emails from you over the years and know of you. Your sharing of your experience has opened my eyes a bit as to what women face when they receive this type of diagnosis. It's made me more aware of my lack of supporting two sis-in-laws that went through this when I was a young woman and busy with a young family. It enabled me to acknowledge with them my regret that I wasn't more of a support to them back when they needed it. You are a remarkable person and I see you as I see so many Gillette patients & their families. You are caring, courageous, determined, real, fun and thankful. Thank you for being who you are!
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Kathleen Conway|Nov 13, 2018
Such great news! 5 years! Giving thanks with you❤️
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Dawn Baddeley|Nov 13, 2018
How wonderful to hear, congratulations on this milestone and the relief it brings with it! You are a role model of strength for us all.
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Helen O|Nov 12, 2018
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news with us! Congratulations! And keep on keepin' on, dear courageous woman!
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Dee Dee Heffernan|Nov 12, 2018
Fabulous news!!
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