marcia deneui|May 6, 2021
So glad to hear you’re back home!God is Great!! Grandma is back Home!! Take care my friend! Hugs for all
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Sharol Severson|May 6, 2021
So glad all is going well! Think about you so often and keeping you in my prayers
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Jim and Audrey Kleespies|May 6, 2021
We are so glad to hear that you are doing so well. We are keeping you in our prayers for continued good health.
Audrey & Jim Kleespies
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Judine Hills|May 6, 2021
Thanks my dear for the update, didn’t want to bother you about getting home ok, sure you had lots going on and sounds like you did with kids and grandkids getting to come for a visit! So glad you are going better everyday and so glad to call you friend!
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Belinda Snyder|May 6, 2021
Thanks for the update- God is good!
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Maggie deNeui|May 6, 2021
Such great news!!! Sending hugs your you
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Shelley Frazee|May 6, 2021
Wow-such fabulous news!! Love and hugs to you and your family!
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Chelsey Haukos|May 6, 2021
So happy to hear you are healing so well! You’ll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
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