Susan Wittenbach|Apr 28, 2023
This is wonderful to hear. I myself have been doing pool therapy all winter in Florida for back and knee issues and have come to understand that the resistance in the warm water is what helps build strength. I'm so happy Julia is progressing so well and finding alternatives to healing her body and keeping her strong. Ever onward, my dear friend. Sending you all love, strength, and encouragement. xoxo, Susan
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Carol Keeley|Apr 28, 2023
I'm excited, too! And continually amazed by our brave and upbeat Julia. I'm sure it was terrifying to get into the water, but I love the idea of Julia being able to move and feel at home again in her body, to build muscle and reawaken old joys. To immerse in water is to be reborn. Picture yourself in Sand Lake, sweet woman. Wishing you continued strength, faith and healing and sending love to all.
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