jean ching|Jul 20, 2020
Hi Judy,
So glad to hear the positive news from Lisa. Take care, dear friend. Love, Jean
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Norma Jjohns|Jul 20, 2020
Judy, you have a wonderful daughter. As I have told you in the past you are my Heroine. I keep you close to my heart and in my prayers.
Judy I have had a big chunk taken from my intestines and it is a “different” experience but you will do just fine. Just remember we have to celebrate 60 years next August/September. Love you, Norma
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Sue Julian|Jul 17, 2020
Thanks so much for update,Lisa
We are so thankful no malignancy in the fluid. I wish the GI surgery date could be sooner, is she on a cancel list? I plan to come up post OP to help care for her also
You'll need breaks so please know I will be there to help. We continue to pray for complete healing
Judy, hope you're feeling the prayers and are hopeful. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart"! You have a lot on your plate and some you just have to let go of and allow others to manage
Love you, my sweet sister!

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joan getz|Jul 16, 2020
Thanks, Lisa..... you're right. Great news! Those family, friends and fans of Judy's appreciate the update.... Love, Joan
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georgia thomas|Jul 16, 2020
Again another wonderful update and good news. Hugs to you Judy.
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