CJ Anderson|Apr 25, 2024
I was talking to my cardiac herapist yesterday about a comment he made to me on Weds when I was walking on the treadmill. I had been telling him that the reason I was loving walking on the treadmill ws because with the rails, I could feel safe with the walking and multi task - keep my shoulders relax, chin up look forward.... (Multi task is harder and harder to do for me), He rather firmly cautioned me that this was the time that most patients could have an accident because of the over confidence.

I remember in 2015 when came home from hospital/rehab with the first shower I took from my tub. I slipped and fell, just missing impacting my right eye.

I remember that when I lived in Sacramento, I taught white water canoeing. for the Red Cross. the white wanter rapid, students would pull their paddle back into the boat, to gloat how they had succeeded shooting that rapid water.

THAT was when their boat would tip them into the water!

I am just warning to NOT drop your guard - either of you! Glad he is doing better!
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