Peggy Vessels|Feb 4, 2023
Love this, Marian! And for the record, your writing is just as witty and agile as RKVii’s. 😃
I’m not at all surprised that you’ve put Stella in her place—so to speak—as you consistently meet (slay) every challenge that comes your way. You never cease to inspire me. I think that as I’m writing, you’ve had a few more challenges. I am holding you WITH JOY in my heart and wish you continued strength and good cheer. Love you. ❤️
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Maggie Nebel|Jan 1, 2023
Dear friend Marian! I am so looking forward to seeing you and having lunch again with you! These darn hospital visits certainly get in the way of having fun. Much much love Maggie .
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Beth Ewy|Apr 8, 2022
Dear Marian and Rick—I just now, like today, got your Christmas letter describing your journey these past 7 or 8 months. (We were in MA over the winter and just got back to Corvallis yesterday to find your Christmas letter waiting!) it sounds like you are mastering this Stella thing , Marian, the way you have mastered every other challenge in your life—with determination, skill, humor, and yes, joy. Love and positive thoughts to both of you. ❤️❤️❤️
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Cari Watrous|Jan 28, 2022
so glad life is returning to a normal rhythm, it's so hard to feel yourself when routine isn't routine and so hard to feel that "normal" is just out of reach. congratulations, your joyful efforts carried you forth.
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Ingrid Jochems Holzman|Jan 9, 2022
I had no doubt that you would master Stella. So glad life is returning to normal, albeit a new normal. You and Stella are definitely in the groove! Looking forward to hearing from you and/or Rick on updates.
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Janet Vessels|Jan 4, 2022
Wishing you great health and good wishes in this new year!!
Sounds like Stella has her groove 👍🏻😘
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Barbara Valadez|Jan 4, 2022
So glad to hear that things have come along so well, although I will miss reading Rick's blog posts!!!
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susan clack|Jan 3, 2022
Congratulations Marian! I'm in your virtual exercise class. You and Rick are an amazing team. Happy 2022!
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Heidi Thompson|Jan 3, 2022
WAAAA... yay!! Glad to hear your joy-filled voice singing!! Congrats on your 20 minute accomplishment with Stella... another yay! Thanks to Rick for all of the updates and yes, entertainment! <3
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Paula Hobbs|Jan 3, 2022
Congratulations Marian! I know when this journey started this destination seemed in the distant future. But here you are and ready to charge off into the new year. You’ve done great! Yay you (and kudos to Rick on keeping everyone informed in such an entertaining manner.) Wishing you, Stella, and Rick a wonderful 2022!
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