Anne Doyle|Apr 24, 2023
Love you beyond words Rachel. Every time I think I’ve accepted that she’s no longer on earth, I realize I haven’t accepted that reality and I get an overwhelming feeling of sadness. And I did not have anywhere near the daily interactions as you. Yes, time does heal & as it continues to pass, I will pray for you & Tony & send all the comforting vibes possible. 🩷
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Laura Mallatt|Apr 24, 2023
Rach I know how much you and Tony must be hurting. I love you guys so much and I’m so glad we got to spend some quality family time together even though the circumstances sucked. I still can’t wrap my head around it. It’s crazy the little things that I see everywhere that remind me of her and it just hits me and feels so surreal. I am here for you anytime. Love you cousin 😘
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Gale Stigge|Apr 24, 2023
I scrolled back to pre-2021, the time when cancer was the last thing on her mind and read dozens of texts this morning. I still hear her voice in each of them. She was truly something special. Will miss so many things about her. My heart breaks for you sweetie. I know you would do anything for more time with her. She loved you with all her heart.
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Paula French|Apr 24, 2023
Rachel, you clearly learned a lot from the best of the best ...our Joslyn. I couldn't agree with you more. I brought a small little black purse for cruising around that was Joslyns. I'm in Hawaii with it and ironically the purse is literally falling apart leaving black pieces everywhere I set it. I'm laughing at Jos and crying at the same time. So I have disposed of her sweet little black purse in Hawaii. Just where she would want to be. I'm wearing her bracelets and taking her everywhere and feeling the deepness of missing her too. Hugs everyone and carry on as she would wish and keep her with you on your adventures.
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Jan Huffman|Apr 24, 2023
UGH! Yes to all of the above. No words can help, no knowledge
sharing can either. This just sucks. You and Tony are feeling that every single day. I can only thank you for filling the gap for all of us who didn't live there and being there for us. Love you kiddo.
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Barbara Mitchell|Apr 24, 2023
Back at you Rachel, much love. I was sitting here this morning thinking about the many long conversations we had and how I wish we could chat one last time. I miss her so much, and can only imagine the tremendous loss you must feel. Call or text anytime! I certainly can’t replace her, maybe I can put a smile on your face(may not be “appropriate” 😜) ❤️
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Sarah Shtylla|Apr 24, 2023
Love you, Rachel! Thank you for your continued sharing, updating and lifting up of Joslyn and us. <3 You are a blessing beyond words to us all.
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