Karen Savoie|Apr 2, 2019
We praise God IN ADVANCE of the healing that He will provide! I've committed to praying for your family on my commutes into work every morning. Praying in the Powerful name of Jesus! The other day, as I prayed, God gave me the phrase "that the cancer may be FLUSHED from Josh's body", so I'm going with it...I'm praying for flushing :).
I love you, Christine, and know that God has prepared you in so many ways for this. May we all come alongside your family now, and lift you all up in this battle.
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Amy Russell|Apr 2, 2019
Christine and Josh, we are praying and declaring complete healing for Josh in Jesus’ name. There is no cancer in the kingdom of heaven so we pray “heaven come down”, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” Show is your glory God!!
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nate pelto|Apr 2, 2019
Dear Josh, Christine, Kayden and Emma
Thank you for the GOOD NEWS about the recent tests! God and us have got your back! We have been battle ready on the front lines! We are praying day and night morning and afternoon. I have notified as many intercessors and I am still continuing to contact as many as I can. You are not going through this alone. We love you with all our hearts! Know that God has you in the palm of HIS hand. Be encouraged. We are praying God is taking you by the hand and leading you to the right healing path. We will do whatever you need. Day or night! Hugs ! Nate and Sue Pelto
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Michelle Bergeron|Apr 2, 2019
Josh, I think you have an amazing attitude, a wonderful family, and strong faith to help you through these difficult days. How wonderful to hear good news! We are praying for you and your beautiful family.
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Arthur Jasper|Apr 2, 2019
My heart aches for Josh and all of you. This life serves us many trials and I have learned that the unfailing love of GOD is always ready to support and guide us. All the years I worked with Josh I have come to love and respect him; and was given the joy of meeting your kids on multiple occasions which brought joy to my heart. GOD offered his son to set us free and I will continue to intercede in prayer for a miracle to occur. All my love to all of you. Arthur
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beth johnson|Apr 2, 2019
Thank you for the update on Josh! Praise God for answering prayer and brining good news at such a difficult time! If y’all need anything Josh has my number so don’t be afraid to use it! I’m the mean time I will continue praying for all if you with special prayers for a miracle of healing Josh!!
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Shelly Steffl|Apr 2, 2019
We will continue to send prayers for you all. Hoping you continue to get positive news!
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Andrea Canniff|Apr 2, 2019
We will be lifting you up during this journey, and we'll subscribe to this Caring bridge for updates. Praising Him for some good news and praying for more miracles!
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Mark Kuhnly|Apr 2, 2019
Josh, I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
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Nancy Lindgren|Apr 2, 2019 (edited)
Oh Christine! I’m so sorry you guys have been going through this hard journey. Our God is a God of miracles and I’m rejoicing with you that you are already experiencing some of those miracles. He is good no matter what!!
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