Clyde Dlugy-Belmont|Aug 18, 2021
My wife Alexandra told me about Jonathan's passing and I only wanted to tell you that my thoughts and prayers are with you. She often speaks about him and your family with such joy and love. All my condolences to you and your family.
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Katie Purvis|Aug 7, 2021
Broken hearted to hear this news , sending love to all your family especially your mum. ❤️
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Euisung Lee|Aug 6, 2021
Jonathan, thank you for everything you've shared with us. Anybody who's known you and your work was very blessed. Rest In Peace dear friend. I will miss you.
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Peter Hirschmann|Aug 6, 2021
I hope you guys found solace and comfort in the outpouring of love when everyone learned the news of Jonathan's passing. And thank you for keeping this site updated over the past year, it was a real privilege to follow the steps in his journey. All my condolences to you and your family.
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Geoff Tilley|Aug 6, 2021
My soul is feeling great sadness; just one of so many that were touched by Jon's connection to readers and fans alike. Condolences to the family, and loving thoughts to those who will be reaching out on Caringbridge also.
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Miki Herman|Aug 5, 2021
Sending love and light to you, friends, and family.
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Ardees Rabang|Aug 5, 2021
Condolences to Genevieve, Judith, Sarah & the family. I'm truly heartbroken 💔. Rest In Peace Jonathan, my friend & are deeply missed but your words live on. 💖🙏🏼💖
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