Thomas Payne|Jul 29, 2018
Oh my heart is full of tears for I have lost a beloved friend and colleague. Thank you Kate for such a touching notice. Julie, Kate, Kyle & Arlo, Elie and Johnny, Alice and I send our love and deep feelings .
All of my emotions defy words . “Johnny” was so special to me in so many ways. Helped me start at MU. He made such wonderful changes and contributions there and everywhere he went and had been. His “foot print”, his impact is a great legacy...and lasting gift. Oh Lord I miss him . We miss him. Love & hugs, “Tommy” & Alice😥
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gretchen gundrum|Jul 29, 2018
My heart aches for all of you. I feel so sad. I am glad I got to see you and John several weeks ago on Bainbridge, Julie. Despite his thin frame his eyes were glowing and he was fully present to everyone. Such a kind and good man. I grieve his loss with you. Much love to your whole family.
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Ginny B|Jul 29, 2018
My heart is breaking for all of you, Kate...please hug your mom for me....continuing to pray for your family to find comfort and peace as you live with this excruciating grief....💔
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Roberta Brown Root|Jul 29, 2018
Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry. I'm sure you were aware this day would one day arrive, but how heartbreaking it must be now that it has. What a lovely last week John had--the garden, a grandson--he lived his dying and taught us all the way to exit with grace and dignity. Thank you so much Kate for sharing. Although I never met John, I will remember his story always. Sending much love to you all.
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Ene Michael Chippendale|Jul 29, 2018
We share your sorrow in losing such a gracious, charismatic and kind man. John has given us the gift of his courage in living his life to the fullest till the end despite all he had to endure. I know the love and support of your wonderful family gave him strengthx We send you all our condolences at your great loss. You are in our thoughts and hearts. Lots of Love, Ene and Michael
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Louise McAllister|Jul 29, 2018
Thank you , Kate and Julie for this beautiful tribute set to David Haas sweet music. We are all blessed by having known John, his strength, his courage, his determination.
He was truly always looking for ways to be of service, I can speak to that as our shared time at Avenue One. May the peace of Jesus which surpasses all understanding be with you Julie, and your family.
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Ellen Linderman|Jul 29, 2018
Hugs to all of the Gardners💞
John was one of a kind and he will be missed by all who knew him, but his inspiration will remain forever. I will treasure the impact that he had on our lives. I often think of the work that he did at the CarringtonResearch Center while he was in charge. He thought outside the box. I liked that. We definitely need more visionaries like John in agriculture. John made a difference with his life.
We all treasure our memories of the Gardner family.
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Jill Vigesaa|Jul 29, 2018
It is with deep sympathy that we share our condolences with all of you. We treasure friendship forged years ago and are thankful for having known John. May you find much to comfort you during this time. Hugs and much love. Claire and Jill
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John Poehlmann|Jul 29, 2018
Thank you for letting us know through the kind and blessed way you did. I learned a lot from John in ways that I've never found in a book. I recall his words at his father's funeral and see him living that message in a way that we all respect. My life is better for having knowing him and being able to spend time with him in travel. God's strength and comfort to all of you. John Poehlmann
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Pam Klainer|Jul 29, 2018
Posting this now is brave, because it's hard to say the words. John is dead. We all thought we'd have more time. Death is patient for awhile, and then not. He is at peace, and I wish that for all of you after this time of acute sadness and grief. I'm not a lifelong friend of John and Julie's, just since my move to Seattle in 2010. But I saw clearly that he was a very special person. The words "so sorry for your loss" are hardly enough, and yet they are the simple words, the right words, the only words. Take good care of each other, as he would want you to do. Find comfort in Arlo's giggles, his smiles -- what a blessing that he got to be held in his Grandpa's arms. Ask for what you need. You are surrounded by people who cared about John, and care about you. Celebrate his life, because his presence among us was indeed a celebration.
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