sharon Slinsky|Sep 8, 2022
I’ve seen you guys in action, heard a phone call or two on his behalf and see the standard you hold him to. You guys are AMAZING advocates for him. It’s not what you signed up for but with ever “God Damn!” you still find it in yourself to laugh. I think Joe had an amazing summer thanks to everything you did to ensure that (not sure who enjoyed the Phish concert more-Ralph or Joe). I’m amazed at Joe’s progress - All due to the Fitz5 who continue to show him the best life worth enjoying. It warms my heart to hear him tell me he’s going to “annihilate” me in a serious game of Connect Four (and he did -but we made a dynamite duo in Rummikub). God has blessed you with a “Beautiful Boy”. Never stop believing in him ❤️❤️❤️
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Chris Fitzgerald|Sep 8, 2022
It truly is amazing how far Joe has come in the past two years. When you think of his condition in 2020, its nothing short of miraculous where he is in '22. You go, Joe, and keep up the good fight; you're from incredibly strong stock and it's only been your fortitude and inner strength, along with your life-changing support system from the rest of the RJ5's, that has gotten you so far along in your recovery process. Godspeed!!
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Tara Leahy|Sep 8, 2022
Thank you so much for this great was so wonderful to see Joe (and you and Ralph) at the reunion and to see how much progress Joe has made, even from the last time we saw you guys...what an amazing family he has...which probably helps explain why he's so amazing! Love you guys endlessly!
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Megan Heath|Sep 8, 2022
Thank you for the update. A blessing to hear how he is doing. What a support team he has. Miss you all.
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Matthew Fitzgerald|Sep 8, 2022
Thanks Linda, so great to see Joe and Ralph this past weekend at Nineteen, the best part was Joe saying his signature "exactly" which I have been waiting to hear! The Fitz5 are an amazing team living well, my hat is off to you.
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Alice Sabo|Sep 8, 2022
Joe looked great at the Reunion! So glad to hear about all the progress. And kudos to the Fitz 5 for all they do to keep that progress on track. Love you guys!
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Walt Fitzgerald|Sep 8, 2022
Joe, you are absolutely amazing. Linda thank you for the update. seeing and hearing of Joe's progress in so encouraging. Keep it up Joe. U da man!
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Adam Klein|Sep 8, 2022
Thank you for the update, really glad to hear how well Joe is doing. Lots of love! <3
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Linda Fitzgerald|Sep 7, 2022 (edited)
Eeks, I used the same “Here we are” on my last post.
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John Fitzgerald|Sep 7, 2022
Keep at it Joe…your progress really is exciting for all us bystanders!
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