Noel Lumpkin|Apr 30, 2024
Fantastic news! I have been praying daily since I heard the news. You are so right, Denise, God is with you every step of this journey. Will continue to pray for daily improvement and safety during your travels to treatment.
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Isabelle Zehnder|Apr 30, 2024
Well, Jesse, you had us REALLY worried this time!!!! AGAIN!!!! Every day that I prayed I made a fist wearing your Team Jesse bracelet, holding up the word STRENGTH and praying above all else that there would be yet another miracle.

Some days were harder than others to keep the faith, but, I kept remembering my healing back in the 90s. When I was at my lowest lows, when doctors said there was no way to heal, I prayed for a sign that they were wrong and God gave me that sign! I knew then I'd be OK, even through the darkest of days.

I kept holding that story up in my mind as Jesse fought this horrible fight again. I kept thinking that I have witnessed healing multiple times in my life - myself a few others I love - and that even though this time looked really, really, really bad - Jesse could still be healed.

I know you're not ready to let your Jesse go Denise and I am so thankful for another chance to live life, to get him back home, into his garden and doing the things he loves, being with the people he loves, enjoying more sunrises and sunsets that we often take for granted.

None of us are guaranteed a thing in this life. Every single day is a miracle, something to be celebrated.

One last thing. Some people tell me my sign didn't come from God, that it came from the universe. I remind them I didn't ask the universe, I asked God!

I love you both and cannot wait to celebrate with you!!!
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Bill Eagle|Apr 29, 2024
Miracles happen and prayer works. Bless you both.
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