Jennifer Campbell|Jun 11, 2019
It's been a little rough the last couple of days, but today hasn't been as bad. I've had lots of help from friends and family and really appreciate it. I go back for another chemo treatment on the 21st
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Autumn BREasseale|Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday jennifer went in and had surgery to have two lymph nodes removed & her port put in. This past friday she had her frist round of chemo.

Yall continue to lift her up in your prayers. Ill keep updates coming as i receive them.
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Autumn BREasseale|Jun 11, 2019
Here is more info on what jennifer was diagnosed with.

I seen my Oncologist today and learned more about my breast cancer.
I have invasive ductal carcinoma.
It is triple negative.
The cancer they removed was about the size of a golf ball.
I will be getting a very aggressive treatment, because the cancer I do have is considered very aggressive.

I will have another surgery to put in a port for my chemo and to remove lymph nodes they think are positive for cancer to be tested.
I will have 3 different chemotherapies. One is referred to as the red devil.
I will have two chemos put in my port once every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. Then get a 2 week break. (This is suppose to be the worst part and I will lose all my hair)
Then I will get another chemo in my port once a week for 12 weeks.

Here is the tricky part they are testing me for the BRACA gene. If I test positive for this I will get a Mastecotomy and have both of my ovaries removed and will not have to do radiation.
If the test is negative then I will have radiation 5 days a week for 7 weeks.

All this is a lot to process, but the best news they gave me is I am 100% curable! I can buy a wig if I feel like it (probably not in Al weather😂). I will be done with treatments in time for Christmas and expect lots of 🎁. Lol. I've got lots of loving family and friends that I know I can count on. The emotional support I've had has been phenomenal and I couldn't ask for more.

Thank you everyone so much for all of your support, love, and prayers.❤️❤️
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