Amy Schweer Sorensen|Dec 23, 2020
Amy - It was a beautiful service! You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Bev Peterson|Dec 22, 2020 (edited)
Every detail of your love was very clear❣️Thank you so very much for the chance to spend some time with you during the visitation. I love you much❤️💜💗💙
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Amber Buschman|Dec 22, 2020
I am sorry that I could not make it on Sunday. I have been working with the lab for COVID testing for the public. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be sent your way. I did not know Jeff, but what you telling me about him, I felt I knew him for years. He is now with your daughter watching over you and the boys. I would like to say that time heals the heart, but does not apply to everyone. Take this holiday season and connect with family and friends, remember the laughs, tears, ups and downs and everything in between!
In peace, love you
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Pat Bello|Dec 22, 2020
Amy we love you too.
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