Carmine Cruce|Jul 26, 2022
We are crying tears on the hill. Tears of joy for Jeff and tears of sorrow for those family and friends he leaves behind. Jeff was a good man and will be missed. Hugs to you Barbara and to the kids and grandkids.
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Andrea Buchanan|Jul 26, 2022
God bless you and your family, Barb. May the thoughts and prayers of friends and family and many wonderful memories of Jeff carry you through this difficult time đź’›.
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Kristy Metzger|Jul 26, 2022
My heart breaks for us all.
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Kevin Scott|Jul 26, 2022
14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
I pray that Gods promises can comfort in such a heartbreaking time ,continuing to pray for your family and that you will find peace and reassurance that you will be together again one day
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GeraldandSusie Summers|Jul 26, 2022
We are so sorry. Peace to you 3.
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Barb Shockey|Jul 26, 2022
There are no words to express my deep sorrow for you, Adam, and Dana. May God’s strength help you through this sad time.
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Alice Walker|Jul 26, 2022
So many thoughts are running through my mind, especially after feeling those same heart hurts myself a few months ago. The PEACE knowing that Jeff rests comfortably at the feet of Jesus, brings comfort only to those that believe in Jesus Christ and the saving grace that only He can deliver. I send you ❤️
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Charla Christopher|Jul 26, 2022
It is astounding the human heart can hold so many competing emotions at the same time. Your hearts and minds are as full as they’ve ever been. We pray for God’s healing salve to cover you as you grieve together. We rejoice with you that Jeff is now free from the pain he endured so valiantly, but just thinking of your deep sorrow reminds us to hold you close in prayer. We join the many whose hearts are so full for you and your beautiful family.
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Jinger Carter|Jul 26, 2022
Words do little to express our deep sorrow for you and family. Please know we lift you up in prayer.
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Pamela Figueroa|Jul 26, 2022
Barb and family, my heart breaks for the loss you all feel from Jeff’s passing yet thankful that you all had each other and lived life to the full for the time you had. I will remember you all in my thoughts and prayers. Much love and hugs, Pam Figueroa
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