Peter & Wendy Dublanica|Oct 17, 2022
Once again, I am blown away by the sheer eloquence of Molly’s update. Her accounts of the ongoing triumphs by Jeanne Lee and all of her family are some of the most inspiring reads I’ve ever had. It is an honor and pleasure to know this family. And I can’t congratulate Jeanne enough for the role model that she has been for her family. And Hooker, OK…….I guess Mayberry does really exist! My Love and continued best wishes to you all. Outlaw Pete Xoxo
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gary reed|Oct 17, 2022
Loved your story about Hooker. I was fortunate enough to visit several times during our college days. Only in a small town does the visit from a friend make the front page of the paper! I have some stories of my own to share with you in a few days. Can't wait. Love, Gail
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Penny Stanley|Oct 17, 2022
Thanks so very much for the update on the family & your amazing Mom. Please tell her how much I miss her!
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Andy Seth|Oct 17, 2022
Always a joy to hear from you and I'm so glad Jeanne's steadily improving and making progress. What a trip back to Hooker, appreciate you sharing that with us. Jeanne, if you see this, know that I'm sending my love and strength to you. I think of you often.
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