Myra Calder|Sep 9, 2018
Katy, what a beautiful commentary! As someone who has lost a lot of loved ones throughout my life, I know that they remain with you forever, and sometimes the oddest things can make you think of them. My brother died at 7 when I was 11, and even now, decades later, I'll see a flower in spring and think of him. He always spotted the first flowers of spring:) I could go on and on. Like you, I catch Jay in my thoughts at odd times. Once I was just driving down the road when someone did something stupid, and it reminded me of riding with Jay when he did the most amazing maneuver between a stalled vehicle and an idiot who decided he needed to stand in the middle of the roadway. I was sure we would wreck or hit the idiot, but Jay threaded the needle. Amazing! Know that my thoughts are with you often, and though I'm not one to post on FB (I'm not on there often), I love seeing the photos of the kitties and knowing you are enjoying your friends and family. Jay loves it, too, I'm sure. And I know he'll remain with you forever. Blessings to you today and always. Myra.
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Shirley Keeran|Sep 7, 2018
Thinking of you and insuring you that it gets better with time. We lost a daughter in 1968 only 11 years old, and I think of her often but know that she is in heaven so I need not worry about her. You are in my prayers.
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tobie-lynn austin-andrade|Sep 6, 2018
So much love for you, always here for you each step of your journey and then some, he is loved and missed and you are cherished and supported. Love you Sistercuz 💗
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