Chris and Shelagh Taylor|Apr 21, 2018
This is tremdousnees an d we are excited for Aa of you and Jane. .

I hope you received the last post and photo from our visit with Jane at TWH - we had a ball and I have sent the Chocolate Cookie recipe.

You are in our thoughts - daily.

CT and ShelGh
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Pam Boake|Apr 21, 2018
Dear Jane so great to hear you will be home soon, nothing like the comfort of your own home and sleeping in your own comfy bed. Looking forward to seeing you at the cooking club soon
Much love , Pam xo
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Diane McQuaig|Apr 15, 2018
Julian so happy to hear Jane was snuggled in at home. No place like it. The countdown is on and in 12 days she will have rehab behind her. Yeah! I will visit on Thursday night and catch up on all the news. Keep safe during this ice storm!❤️
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Sharon Mah-Gin|Apr 15, 2018
Thank you Julian for the that stylish fashion picture of your mom and the two of you! ken and I had a lovely dinner with her and your dad last Friday at Dinnick. We brought dinner and she loved the suishi and a great appetite! And her memory was so sharp...she remembered things i didn't! Everyone should stay in today- stay safe and warm....spring is just around the corner! Crazy weather is to make sure we appreciate spring just like we so love your mom! Pls give her a big and warm hug from us and tell her we look forward to our next walk/run.

Sharon and Ken xoxo
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