Casandra Carlson|Feb 19, 2017
My heart is beating with you in deep prayers cried out before the Father. It's also beating in thanks and praise to Him for the deposit of hope He has placed in you and reminders of His powerful Word---which is living and active on your behalf! Truly, Emmanuel in your story will continue to be known by you and all who God has placed in your path. Cheering you on in much love and prayers! P. S. My dear mother-in-law continues to pray much for you as well.
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Marna Luer|Feb 19, 2017
Holding you in prayer.
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Linda Spaulding|Feb 19, 2017
Thinking of you Jamie
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Jamie, sharing your journey, your strength, your weaknesses, your hope and your faith with us is inspiring. You are amazing and strong and I hope you feel the love of so many around you, near and far, continue to encourage and celebrate you! We love you xoxo
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Jean Koleske|Feb 19, 2017
Your courage and love of the Lord is amazing! We continue to pray for you and your family.
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Katy Ehlen|Feb 19, 2017
Ongoing prayers for you, Inga and Christian. Keep living in faith and love!
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Kathy Williams|Feb 18, 2017
Thank you for sharing Jamie! We are lifting you up in prayer! Hugs!
Kathy Benson Williams
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Mary Meyers|Feb 18, 2017
You are a testimony to how God can bring sunshine and hope into a difficult situation. Thank you for sharing your journey... we are earnestly praying for renewed strength and that your healing will be complete.
Much love, Dan and Mary Meyers
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Fayth Brennan|Feb 18, 2017
Good to hear how the Lord is showing you new and deeper things about Himself. Trust the Lord will be your continued strength and song during this season. Praying for you and your family!
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Sharla Stafford|Feb 18, 2017
Jamie - I had goosebumps from head to toe and they just kept running through me as I read your post! God is doing amazing things in you and through you! We will keep lifting you up every day - several times a day - until you are healed and home with Inga and christian ! ❤
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